First Playtesters Done!

Hello All, I hope your Springs have collectively Sprung and you are getting ready for a wonderful Memorial Day weekend! This is just a quick update based on my last post which talks about my new board game prototype and offers up prototype boards for playtesting. Well, I’m writing with good news- the first round of testing is officially done! I was able to send off my 2 game copies to volunteers who tried out the game and have sent it back, with feedback pending. Shoutout to Libby and Kellen for kicking things off, I appreciate you giving the game a try!

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So now that the first attempt is done, I am again looking for volunteers who are interested in trying out my game! If you would like to receive a copy, please E-Mail with the request or comment on this post and I will reach out to you directly. You can also go to my Star Crashing web page for more information about the game before you try it out!

Star Crashing- new Prototype and Web Page!

Well, better late than never I suppose.

After almost a year since my first official Star Crashing playthrough, and a lot of big changes in my personal life (moving to a new place, starting a new job, getting married, that sort of stuff) I’m back on the board game developing horse! Next on my list: make more than one prototype so I can share my game with other interested parties. I put some more work into this version, using stickers and glue instead of trying to photoshop everything into a single low-res photo, and ended up with a pretty great result:

I even made a logo to use for the boxes and all of my online accounts! I’m by no means a graphic designer but I feel confident that these games will serve their purpose until I feel confident enough to find a professional and start looking into mass production options. Based on that, the next step on this lengthy journey is a big one: board game testing by people other than my friends and family! That’s right, I’m opening my game up to the masses in the hopes that I can get some impartial critiques. So, if you find yourself interested in trying out a new game, I’ve got the perfect opportunity for you!

Which brings me to my second big update: the Star Crashing web page. I’ve created a page with information about the game and instructions on how to request a copy. You can go to the Star Crashing tab on this blog’s main page, or just simply click on the click right here:

Star Crashing

Alright folks, that’s all for now- hopefully I’ll be writing again soon with an update about all the people who tried out and loved Star Crashing! And hey if not, I’m sure you’ll hear from me again in another year or so…