About Jack

Jack Dixon has been living in Northern Virginia for a little over two years. He has been passionate about board games his whole life, and currently has a wide collection of different games from his youth as well as newer games that are trending in the market. Always willing to try new things, Jack has been searching for new games to try, so any recommendations are much appreciated!

If you have questions about any of the board games Jack posts about, or would be interested in purchasing some of the board games from a previous post, please contact jsdixonvab@gmail.com.

10 thoughts on “About Jack

  1. Pingback: Historiopoly: Contextualizing Monopoly in U.S. American Culture | Past Go

  2. Pingback: Real Neat Blog Award | Past Go

    • Hi Kaden, thank you for your interest in my blog! This website is dedicated to writing about board games. I review games I have played, talk about board game trends, and give advice for aspiring board game collectors like me. If you have any questions or particular topics you’re interested in, please let me know!


  3. Jack, like you, I too have a passion for Board Games. I developed a childs game over 50 yes ago, but unlike you I put the game on the back burner and there it stayed. Now in my retirement I’m rekindling the spark I had so many years ago. Want to know more?


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